Thursday, 3 December 2015
Thursday, 12 November 2015
so yeah, time for pictures and video from the motherboy halloween gig at poco loco on 30th october. we've got a compilation video of clips of 3 of the bands (i got there just as the first band, motown fire department, finished their set oops) AND another one of punching swans doing a festive cover of michael jackson's thriller (cos why not) as usual sound quality is not A+ but hey. you can see All Of The Photos here, but below are 'best bits'.
Sunday, 8 November 2015
i had a surprisingly busy halloween. i had originally made some big plans in my head about going to london but then i got even more broke (yay) and also the thing i wanted to go to sold out (and i hadn't even considered i might need to get a ticket in advance) so i had to stay in medway. but i'd booked saturday off (i always work saturdays these days, ewww) and i kept that plan at least. i had to go to work on friday instead, and after work i ran around getting last minute things for a costume and also checking out halloween wares cos it's year round decorations / houseware for me, and eventually got home with pizza and cheap white facepaint. i went to a gig my local friends organised on friday dressed as a skeleton. (my original costume plans also fell through due to lack of ££££ and time / resources) i put on heaps of £1 white facepaint i got from wilkinsons (NEVER AGAIN. it was really thin and covered fuck all and shrunk when it dried and thus hurt my face and ooh it cracked so much. next time i need to paint my face, pls remind me of this and tell me to get the good stuff.) and black eyeliner. i did an ok job but the eyeliner coverage wasn't brilliant. luckily i'd bumped into suze (ex-sean bean death scene drummer, and one of the people putting on the gig) in poundland and she told me she was bringing all the facepaints with her & i could borrow some if i didn't manage to finish my face at home, so i used some of her black facepaint to top up on the eyesockets while she finished off her twisty the clown make up. i took some pictures of the bands of course but i'll post those another time i think.. (i also took pictures of some of the other costumes but it was dark and my little camera hates people and mostly made people look less amazing than they did in real life.. ugh. i miss having a dslr that works)
saturday i was going to edit the photos, watch something spooky in my pyjamas and chill. i got up pretty late (didnt get home til 2am but that's more or less my usual bedtime these days anyway) and while i was browsing through my facebook feed, i noticed that Rochester Flea was happening that day. it's the last saturday of every month but since i've been working pretty much every saturday i haven't been away for something i haven't been able to go for months, if not more than a year? i mean, it's not like a 'real' fleamarket where you can find lots of crap with something really amazing thrown in for 20p cos the seller just wants to get rid of their old crap, it's more of an craft fair + vintage / antique fair, but it's pretty cute and nice people i know and hardly ever see go there. so i mulled it over for a bit, had breakfast and got dressed and decide FUCK IT i'll go out despite being tired, a bit on the grumpy funover side and too broke to buy anything (the main danger of going outside) and you know what, NO REGRETS. i took some nice pictures and i saw people i havent seen in a while and got a proper pep talk from someone (honestly, i needed that ♥) and i managed to NOT SPEND A PENNY. to be honest i didn't really see anything i really wanted or needed. anyway, here's some pictures from the flea market and shop windows etc that were actually decorated for halloween and so on.
when she makes some more, i think i def need one/some. cos butts are best.
on my way home from rochester i bumped in to my friend abi. she used to play guitar in my old band sean bean death bean. she invited me & carl to come over to hers later, she had people coming over and she was going to make pumpkin pie once she got home. and also she told me one of her cats (the one i hadn't met yet) was wearing a skull hoodie cos she's got some ailment ive forgotten the name of and she keeps scratching it. carl had been at work all day and was working on sunday so i knew he wouldn't be up for any socialising but i said i'd see if i could make it. i made some tasty as heck mac & cheese for dinner and since leaving the house earlier had worked out so well i decided fuck it, i'm going to go out again, and put on my favourite dress and while i waited for my phone to charge drew spider + spiderwebs on my face and attached some sparkly spiders in my hair. i couldn't be arsed to do halloween again Properly, and besides i'd kinda run out of the shit white facepaint anyway. and tbh i wasn't sure if anyone would be dressed up at abi's or not. but i still felt like doing _something_ since i 500% definitely care about halloween.
it was a pretty chill night. i arrive just in time cos there was ONE MORE PIECE OF PUMPKIN PIE LEFT. win. i didn't get too many kitty hangs but little dude (the one with the skull hoodie) was feeling a bit disgruntled cos of the hoodie and just stayed up out of reach on top of the fridge / bookshelves. she's the more sociable one of the kitties. nyx & ishtar aren't mega fans of crowds and mostly stayed in the bedroom. tbh they're not that into snuggles anyway. i got home about 2am again. with a copy of Sandman volume one. (i have a lovely habit of coming home from abi's with a book in my bag, usually one by neil gaiman. still need to return Neverwhere. will do it next weekend when it's her birthday and she's putting on a gig..)
anyway i have been 'writing' this blog entry all fucking week and i'm kind of sick of it and i want to get on with my life / write about something else soon (or not, though ive actually had some ideas etc etc) so this is it. see you later.
ps. nii ja tällä kertaa en jaksa suomeksi yhtään mitään sori not sori whatevör
Wednesday, 14 October 2015
council estate of mind
kävin tuossa yks päivä tekemässä, näkemässä ihmisiä ja kotimatkalla päätin tehdä pienen tutkimusmatkan ympäri meidän council estatea (lähiö lienee lähin suomalainen termi) ja otin hieman kuvia. meidän pikku asunto on alueen ulkoreunalla joten loppualuetta ei ole tullut tutkiskeltua turhan paljoa. mutta viime aikoina on tullut käveltyä kotiin pidempää kautta kun olen tullut kotiin kulmakaupasta tai muista paikoista jotka on eri suunnassa kuin meidän työpaikat. tämä on aika jännä paikka. täällä on noin 200+ asuntoa, mutta suurimman osan ajasta (n. 90%) ihan järjettömän hiljaista. ja erittäin harvoin näen ihmisiä kun käyn oman oven ulkopuolella. tutkimusmatkan aikana näin tasan yhden ihmisen. ja olen tähän mennessä löytänyt ainakin kaksi tyhjillään olevaa monitoimitalon tapaista rakennusta. ainakin joskus 20-30 vuotta sitten tällä alueella oli huono maine. mutta mun mielest tämä on aika kiwa paikka. mutta aina kun kävelen ympäriinsä täällä on semmoinen outo hieman hylätty fiilis, vaikka suurin osa asunnoista näyttää siltä että niissä asutaan.. en tiiä. tämä paikka on vaan niin erilainen kun vertaa meidän vanhaan naapurustoon joka oli keskustasta pienemmän kulman takana ja kaikki naapurit oli äänekkäitä kusipäitä ja ikkunan alla oli julkinen polku tjsp eikä meillä ollu kaksinkertaisia ikkunoita ja ehkä seinät oli tehty paperista. ja täällä on ainakin viisi kertaa enemmän naapureita. no mutta tässä kuvia(, ja lisää / loput löytyy 'Read More...' linkin alta.)
i went out and did stuff the other day and on my way back home i decided to do a little exploring around the council estate we live in. we live on the outer edge closest to the town centre (where we work) so we don't walk around the estate much. but the last couple of times i've been to the corner shop or other places in the opposite direction from town and work and our usual destinations, i've come back home the scenic route, wandering around the estate exploring different routes home. it's a pretty weird but cool place. there's about 200+ in the estate, but about 90% of the time it's super duper quiet. and i hardly ever see anyone either. while i was exploring i saw exactly one person. so far i've found / seen at least two completely unused community centre type places. and about 20-30 years ago this estate had a bit of a rough reputation. but i like it here. though walking around it always seem to give a bit of abandoned vibe even though most of the flats seem like people do live in them.. it's just very different from our old neighbourhood that was right off the high street and all our neighbours were noisy as fuck and there was a public footpath past out living room window and we didn't have double glazing and maybe the walls were paperthin too. and we have at least five times as many neighbours round here. but either way i like it here. both indoors and outdoors. either way, here's pictures (, and you can find the rest / more under the 'Read More...' link.)
Friday, 9 October 2015
stitch & bitch. tai jotain sinnepäin.
moicca pitkästä aikaa! juu viime aikoina olen bloggaamisen sijaan lähinnä virkannut ja neulonut, aika paljon. suunnitelmani on tehdä itse suurin osa joululahjoista koska olen köyhä ja käyttää mun lankajemmasta ainakin suurin osa. tuo jemma osio on ollut hieman vaikeampi kun suurin osa mun lankavarastosta on pieniä nyt alle 50g palloja joista ei saa välttämättä mitään kokonaista ja 90% on pörrölankaa (angora ja mohair tyylistä) jota on tod. hankala purkaa jos lanka loppuu kesken ja tarttee aloittaa alusta/tehdä jotain muuta. ja värit ei tietenkään toimi raidallisiin yms monivärisiin projekteihin. elämä on niin vaikeeta. mutta tässä on mitä olen saanut tähän mennessä valmiiksi.
hey y'all, been a while yet again.. so yeah lately instead of blogging, i've been crocheting and knitting a lot *strong arm emoji* the plan has been to make a lot of my christmas presents cos i'm broke as fuck and use up my wool stash, which is easier said than done on the second part though as most of my stash is fluffy wool in decent but amounts = not quite enough to make a whole anything, probably. and if i run out in the middle of a thing i can't easily just undo it when it's in fluffy wool, as that shit gets tangled real easy. i guess i could make stripy things, but none of the colours i have really go together either. gosh my life is so hard D: but here's some things i've made. kind of.
pääkallo triangeli huivi. seurasin tätä suomenkielistä ohjetta. olen tästä erityisen ylpeä koska a) se on tosi magee, ja b) ennen tämän aloittamista mie luulin etten osaa virkata 'oikeesti'. eli ohjeesta. tai mitään muuta kuin isoäidinneliöitä tai samantapaisia.. mutta kuinkas tässä kävikään? mie osaan sittenkin virkata, ja suhteellisen monimutkaisen huivin!
crochet triangle skull scarf. (pattern, though i used this finnish version as when i first looked at the english version it didn't make sense to me, but finnish one did. they're essentially the same though the eyes are done differently.. luckily both have pictures, so those help. until making this i though i couldn't crochet anything beyond granny squares and their variations...
isoäidinneliöistä puheenollen, tämä megavihree hartiahuivi on periaattessa jättimäinen puolikas mummoruutu. super helppo mutta tuntui kestävän ikuisuuden virkata loppuun. (no joo kesti about viikon ehkä? mutta ottaen huomioon kaikki muut paitsi kallohuivi ovat kestäneet noin 2vrk, se oli ikuisuus) tämä oli minun ensimmäinen ihan loppuun asti valmiiksi tehty virkkausprojekti jee. en tiedä pitäisikö pitää itselle vai tuleeko siitä jonkun lahja... ja lisäänkö siihen hapsuja tai pompuloita (kuten ohjeessa on)
speaking of granny squares... this green triangle shawl (pattern) is basicly a giant half a granny square. easy as pie but felt like it took forever to make. and was my first proper crochet project that was finished for realsies and gets some use yay ♥
tämä pipo projekti on ollut pieni piikki kyljessäni. mie päätin tehdä pipon omalle päälle omasta päästä kun mikään ohje ei koskaan oikein toimi. mie päädyin purkamaan osan tai koko homman varmaan ainakin viisi tai kuusi kertaa (parilla eri värillä) kun joku meni aina väärin, oli liian iso tai liian pieni tai lanka loppui kesken tai sitä jäi liikaa (halusin käyttää 100g pallon paksua 'chunky' lankaa. valitettavasti googlettaminen ei kertonut miksi semmoista suomeksi/ssa kutsutaan) ennen kuin sain sen 'sopivaksi'. paitsi en ole ihan 100% varma että se on sopiva. kun en ole mikään massiivinen peruspipon fani. se tarttee jotain ekstraa, mutta en tiedä mitä. tarkoitus oli kirjoa siihen jotain (en tykkää tehdä ihan kunnon kirjoneuletta kun siitä tulee liian tiukkaa ja se on vittumaista ja hankalaa ja sitä pitää koko ajan olla katsomassa että mitä tekee..) mutta tuo taite on hieman tiellä mutta minusta se tarttee taitteen niin on korvat kunnolla lämpimät. no mutta ainakin mie nyt tiedän suunnilleen mitä tehdä ensi kerralla. pojan pikkuveljillä on isot päät, aattelin että niille vois tehdä jotain lämmintä ja nörttimäistä (mutta mitä?) jossain vaiheess varmaan ehkä vois kirjoittaa ihan ohjeen, kun tein muistiinpanoja työvaiheista mun ravelry projekti sivulla jee.
this hat has been such a pain in the bum. i decided to make a standard pipo to my specifications as i have a fairly strange knitting gauge (it seems to always be either too tight or too loose for most patterns) and a fairly large head. and i've made 100s of hats i never wear, i just enjoy knitting them. but yeah i ended up undoing this hat five or six times (at least) for various reasons before i got it right & didn't run out of wool. and im still not 100% it's quite right. but this one is mine and i know vaguely what to do now for the rest of them (bro-in-laws have heads that need warming up too) i might properly write up the pattern one day, i've got notes about it in my ravelry projects.
ja ihan vain pikku vilkaisu (omg mun käännöstaidot) mun tähän mennessä ainakin melkein jos ei ihan valmiisiin lahjaprojekteihin. (kun jos joku vaikka käy kattomassa mun blogia. kaikki paitsi tuo viimeinen harmaa juttu on tehty jemmalangoista.
a little peek-a-boo of the gifty projects so far. cos who knows, they might be lurking somewhere on here. i might share pictures after christmas along with the patterns. only the last grey thing is not made from stash wool.
niin ja sain jo alun inprogress kuvan neuleen valmiiksi eli tämmösen vintage henkisen turbaanin (ohje) joka on tosi helpoo ja ihana mutta huomasin tuossa yksi päivä sen kanssa tarttee olla 'tietynlainen asu' muuten se ei vaan toimi. :( valitettavasti en omista greta garbon puvustoa. toivottavasti / ehkä se toimii mun viitan kanssa? sitten ei oo väliä mitä löytyy takin alta. en ole vielä kerennyt kokeilla.
i also already finished the piece in the in progress photo from the beginning. it's a vintage style turban (pattern) which was super easy and nice but i realised the other day that it kind of needs a certain kind of outfit to 'work'. and unfortunately i do not own great garbo's wardrobe. hopefully / maybe it will work with my cape? cos then i can wear whatever underneath and it's not like i'll wear my knitted hat indoors, without the cape. just haven't had the change to try that combo. fingers crossed!
mitäs muuta? samaa vanhaa, ei paljoo sanottavaa. olen jo pariin kertaan aloittanut uutta juttua, yrittänyt selittää miksei oo juttua tullut niin pitkään aikaan mutta eihän siitä tullut mitään kun en itsekään tiedä mikä se syy on. joten ei siitä sen enempää. mitäs näin nyt just lähi aikoina? mun kännykkä teki bänät tässä juuri tänään / eilen illalla. siitä loppui illalla akku eikä se jostain kumman syystä suostunut lataamaan. otin yhteyttä operaattoriin ja niiden internetti apuri auttoi ja valitettavasti mie lähetin tänään mun puhelimen pois korjattavasti. takaisin saan sen varmaan ensi viikon loppuvaiheilla. miten mä pärjään? varsinkin kun meidän ipod on hukassa, mulla ei oo mitään millä kuunnella musiikkia, tai no mun tarinoita enemmän kuin musiikkia.. (tällä hetkellä vuorotellen welcome to night vale podcast ja gillian flynnin gone girl. molemmat A+++ kamaa) valitettavasti kaupasta hakemani sijaispuhelin on joku kauhee vanha samsung jolla saa vain soitettua ja tekstattua D: tuskani on todellista. on mulla täällä toinen vanhempi ipod joka toimii vielä mutta sillä on semmoinen todella paha tapa että akku loppuu ihan randomisti eikä se salettiin kestä kuin noin 1/4 jostain reissusta kaupungille hoitamaan aikuisten asioita. tai ehkä töihin muttei saleen takaisin.
what else? same old same old not much to say. at least nothing positive? i've started several blog posts explaining why i hadn't written anything in ages, but it was kinda hard since i don't really know why myself. so that's enough of that! what's been up lately? well, my phone decided to give up yesterday. it ran out of battery and then wouldn't charge or turn back on. i contacted my provider via their website and their live chat person was super helpful and unfortunately i had to send my phone off to be repaired today. i'll probably get it back sometime at the end of next week (4 working days they said) how am i gonna cope? carl's ipod's gone awol (oops) so i have NOTHING to listen to my tunes on. or well, stories more than music. (at the moment alternatively welcome to night vale podcast and gone girl by gillian flynn. both A++++ stuff.) unfortunately the replacement phone i got from the local branch is one of those old school phones you can literally just make phone calls & text with. UGH. my pain is real. i've got an older ipod that isn't lost but it has this lovely habbit of randomly running out of battery even though it totally still has battery, and it definitely won't last more than 1/4 of a trip to town to do adult shit. or maybe all the way to work but definitely not back.
Tuesday, 8 September 2015
oh god, it's Motherboy time already?
kävin hieman paikallisella keikalla ja otin kuvia ja videota myös. kuvia näkyy lisää täällä mutta alla parhaat palat, ja sitä videota.
i went to a local gig saturday and saw some bands (one of the bands wasn't local though, they were from brighton) and i took some pictures and video too. you can see All Of The Photos here, but below are 'best bits' and that video i mentioned.
the bloated corpse of johnny lee miller
black light brigade
oh captain
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