kuten ehkä mainitsin joskus (vanhassa blogissa) mie sain joululahjaksi OMPELUKONEEN! mutta nyt on jo huhtikuu enkä ole edelleenkään kerennyt ommella yhtään mitään. APUA. virallinen tekosyy on ettei mulla ole pöytää minkä päällä ommella. tietsikkapöydällä ei oo tarpeeksi tilaa. tai siis kaipa siihen vois siivota lisää tilaa väliaikaisesti niin on tilaa ommella jotain. toinen ongelma kai oli etten oikein tienny mitä ommella. oli tarkoitus ommella ensiksi kuumavesipullolle uusi päällinen mutta nyt on taas jo hieman liian lämmintä kuumavesipullolle. onneksi kun etsin huvikseni kaavoja, huomasin että simplicity kaavamerkillä oli menossa blogger sewing challenge ja osallistujat saivat kaavan ilmaiseksi. joten mie mailasin niille ja pyysin Best Vintage Make kategorian kaavaa. kategorioita on kolme ja mie valitsin vintagen lähinnä siksi että se oli ainoa kaava joka oli saatavissa mun kokoisena. ja senkin isoin koko on periaatteessa noin tuuman pienempi kuin minä. ärsyttää kun melkein kaikki kaavat on liian pieniä, ja mie en oo ees niin kauheen iso. ei oo reilua. kaava tuli postissa about viikkoa myöhemmin ja se on odotellut että pääsen ompelemaan.
as you may or may not know, i got a sewing machine for christmas! yay! but now it's already april and i still haven't sewn anything D: whyyyyy? the official excuse is that i don't have a table / space where i can put my sewing machine and sew. the computer desk doesn't have enough space. though i guess i could probably make some space on there temporarily so i can sew some stuff. but i've kind of been struggling to find a cool project to start with. i was going to make a new cover for my hotwater bottle but well, it's a bit warm now for my bottle. luckily while researching sewing patterns i found that simplicity (one of the main sewing pattern companies) is having a blogger sewing challenge and the patterns for free for participiants :D there's three categories and i emailed them few weeks ago for pattern for the Best Vintage Make category. i went for that category cos it was the only one of the three patterns that is actually available in my size. UGH. so annoying! but i got the pattern about a week later, and it's been sitting on my desk since waiting for me to get sewing!
^ tämä on se mun kaava. ei välttämättä malli jonka valitsisin itse mutta kuten mainitsin, ei ollut oikein valinnan varaa minun koossa. kyllä sille tulee käyttöä, jos tämä menee hyvin mie varmaan teen lisää keveitä kesäisiä puuvillaisia paitoja mitä pitää helteellä kun on t-paidat tuntuu liian ahdistavilta ja pitää mennä ihmisten ilmoille eli ei voi hengata kalsareissa :D valitettavasti mulla ei ole varaa ostaa 'kunnon' kangasta vielä ja kun en ihan luota mun ruosteisiin ompelutaitoihin tai että kaava on tarpeeksi iso. joten suunnitelma on ensin tehdä testi versio jostain halvasta materiaalista. ja mie kävin tuossa tiistaina etsimässä halpoja verhoja yms. ja kävipä mäihä; löysin hempeät kukkaraitalakanat sue ryderista hyvään hintaan.
^ this is the pattern for the challenge. it wouldn't be my first choice but as i mentioned, apparently fat gals cant be choosers. i think it'll be cool though, i really could do with a light cotton top in the high summer when t-shirt material is a bit too ugh clingy or w/e. i'm not sure what exactly i'm going to do for the challenge yet. but i know i need to get some fabric! unfortunately i'm broke as heck so i can't just go to the fabric shop and get the dreamy unicorn fabric i want to use for everything. (i think it's this one, or at least very similar) besides since i'm not 100% in my sewing skills, or that the pattern will actually fit me (it's just on the edge according to my measurements) so before i go for the proper garment, i'm going to do a test version from some cheaper material i'm not that bothered about 'wasting'. my plan was to get some curtains or sheets or something cheaply from one of the charity shops in town, and i went looking tuesday after work. i got some cheap floral sheets from sue ryder (£1.75!!!)
^ this is the pattern for the challenge. it wouldn't be my first choice but as i mentioned, apparently fat gals cant be choosers. i think it'll be cool though, i really could do with a light cotton top in the high summer when t-shirt material is a bit too ugh clingy or w/e. i'm not sure what exactly i'm going to do for the challenge yet. but i know i need to get some fabric! unfortunately i'm broke as heck so i can't just go to the fabric shop and get the dreamy unicorn fabric i want to use for everything. (i think it's this one, or at least very similar) besides since i'm not 100% in my sewing skills, or that the pattern will actually fit me (it's just on the edge according to my measurements) so before i go for the proper garment, i'm going to do a test version from some cheaper material i'm not that bothered about 'wasting'. my plan was to get some curtains or sheets or something cheaply from one of the charity shops in town, and i went looking tuesday after work. i got some cheap floral sheets from sue ryder (£1.75!!!)
tämän jälkeen minulla on pieni ois kiva tehdä lista. mutta tästä oli helmpompi kirjoittaa englanniksi enkä jaksa kääntää niin ettei kuullosta tyhmältä.
i have a few things on my sewing to do / wishlist. even though i have now kind of found my long search wednesday addamsy dress, i want to also make one. i think i've found a suitable pattern (simplicity new look 6262), the only thing is the largest size is 2-3 inches smaller than my actual measurements... it's probably easy edit when i cut the pattern but it worries me. there's another very similar one (simplicity lisette 1419) that's largest size is only an inch smaller. but it doesn't have the option of full sleeves, and is a little bit more fitted than what i'm looking for.... the simplicity patterns are actually half price at the moment at my local fabric shop so i have a few other patterns i might buy while they're cheap? i thought 6840 would have been nice for cool blouses but but but i've just gone and realised it has a different size chart and is too small in the boob department, which is no good with blouses D: 6110 is pretty boring but a gal could always do with a good pattern for leggings. 3847 includes patterns for skirt, petticoat, shirt, apron AND hat; that's simply a bargain. and i could do with more skirts (and dresses) in that cut to go with my petticoat, i only have my green dress from lindy bop and the hell bunny zombie babe skirt. and as for 1426, a gal can dream of sassy bra tops. but i think i will only get one of the abover dress patterns and the 5-in-1 pattern. though knowing me, i'll snooze and lose, wait too long and miss the sale or they won't have the patterns i want in stock and the sale on the website will be finished by then. but i'm not going to get any more patterns til i've done this challenge one!
i have a few things on my sewing to do / wishlist. even though i have now kind of found my long search wednesday addamsy dress, i want to also make one. i think i've found a suitable pattern (simplicity new look 6262), the only thing is the largest size is 2-3 inches smaller than my actual measurements... it's probably easy edit when i cut the pattern but it worries me. there's another very similar one (simplicity lisette 1419) that's largest size is only an inch smaller. but it doesn't have the option of full sleeves, and is a little bit more fitted than what i'm looking for.... the simplicity patterns are actually half price at the moment at my local fabric shop so i have a few other patterns i might buy while they're cheap? i thought 6840 would have been nice for cool blouses but but but i've just gone and realised it has a different size chart and is too small in the boob department, which is no good with blouses D: 6110 is pretty boring but a gal could always do with a good pattern for leggings. 3847 includes patterns for skirt, petticoat, shirt, apron AND hat; that's simply a bargain. and i could do with more skirts (and dresses) in that cut to go with my petticoat, i only have my green dress from lindy bop and the hell bunny zombie babe skirt. and as for 1426, a gal can dream of sassy bra tops. but i think i will only get one of the abover dress patterns and the 5-in-1 pattern. though knowing me, i'll snooze and lose, wait too long and miss the sale or they won't have the patterns i want in stock and the sale on the website will be finished by then. but i'm not going to get any more patterns til i've done this challenge one!
ompelemisesta joskus toiste sitten enemmän. vaikka sitten kun olen vihdoin saanut sen verran aikaseksi että leikkaa kaavan ja kankaan ja ompelen ja niin edelleen. mie meinasin tässä pe-la alottaa hommat mutta eihän mulla esim oo missään nuppineuloja yms tärkeitä tarpeita. ja ompelemisen sijaan tuli kirjoitettua sitä uutta zineä ja katsottua aika paljon salaisia kansioita ja vampyyri päiväkirjoja netflixistä ja steven universea ♥ ei ihan turhaa.
well anyway, more about sewing another time. maybe when i get around to actually cutting the pattern and the fabric and sewing and so on. i was going to start friday or saturday but then i realised i didn't have any pins or some other important sewing supplies. so instead of sewing related things i wrote a bunch of my new zine finally and watch a bunch of x-files and vampire diaries on netflix and steven universe ♥ so i have been productive while procrastinating. not bad.
well anyway, more about sewing another time. maybe when i get around to actually cutting the pattern and the fabric and sewing and so on. i was going to start friday or saturday but then i realised i didn't have any pins or some other important sewing supplies. so instead of sewing related things i wrote a bunch of my new zine finally and watch a bunch of x-files and vampire diaries on netflix and steven universe ♥ so i have been productive while procrastinating. not bad.