Friday, 14 August 2015

i did a new zine.

for this shorter than usual issue of your pretty face.. i asked my friends for writing prompts / what they would like to read about via twitter and ended up writing about my garden, mummy parcels, the x-files and snack time.

i'm also up for trades in the uk cos ugh postage abroad is ££££ and i'm broke.
(though maybe we could trade several issues? talk to me anyway!)
email me at tukrulovesyou (at) gmail (dot) com

niin no viime kerrasta on taas aikaa mutta blah blah blah samat vanhat tekosyyt niistä joskus myöhemmin. mie kävin viime viikonloppuna leedsissä zinefestailemassa. kuten yleensä mie en ottanu kuvia melkein mistään paitsi mun pöydästä ja vietin koko päivän pöytäni takana lähinnä yksin. jostain kumman syystä melkein aina kun järjestäjät järjestävät pöytäjärjestyksen, minä päädyn kauas kavereista ja mulla on superyksinäinen olo vaikka huone on tyylin täynnä kavereita. ja minähän en ikinä tuo pöytä seuraa kuten moni muu. me tehtiin ystäväni kirstyn kanssa sopimus että ensi kerralla pyydetään että ollaan vierekkäin tjsp. tuntuikohan se vaan pahemmalta tällä kertaa kun tapahtuma oli yllättävän hiljainen? leedsillä oli punk ja DIY taivas maine joten ois luullu että siellä zinet yms olisivat super suosittuja. enpä tiiä. ehkä ihmiset ei vaan tullu meidän nurkkaan (mulla oli selkä loppuhuonetta kohti joten en oikein nähny että mikä oli meininki...) tai ehkä se että uusi isompi tapahtumapaikka ei ole keskustassa kuten aiempi mesta vaikutti asiaan. en tiiä. mutta hei kyl mie varmaan menen ensi vuonna taas :D

so yeah it's been a while since my last blogpost but blah blah blah whatever same old excuse i might mention later on. or not. last weekend i popped up to leeds to do some zine festing. as usual i didn't take photos of anything other than my table really and spent most of the day alone behind my table (i did manage to get quite a bit of crochet done. which did lead to me running out of wool on the megabus home. oops.) for some reason usually whenever zinefest organisers assign the table locations i almost always seem to end up on the opposite side of the room from all of my friends and being lonely as fuck even though the room is technically full of my friends. and i never bring any tabling company (just my knitting) me and my friend kirsty made a deal to ask to be put next to each other next time we table at the same thing. (might be a while now though...) i might have felt extra lonely not only cos i was feeling extra emotionally fragile (yay!) but also cos the event seemed surprisingly quiet? leeds kinda has a reputation of being a punk & diy haven so you'd think zines etc would be super popular. i dunno. maybe it was actually busy but people just didn't wander into our corner and i just couldn't tell cos my back was facing the rest of the room... or maybe the change of venue had something to do with it? left bank was lovely and much bigger but it isn't in the city centre like wharf chambers and probably a little harder to get to... i dont know. it was still a good zinefest though, no organisational complaints, and i broke even, just about. but considering how broke i am in real life, i could have really done with better sales. (apparently it wasn't just me, my friends did mention not doing 'as good as usual' on the sales part. but hey we don't do these things for the £££ but it helps. i hate to sound like i'm obsessed with the capitalist side but ££ is a big deal when you're broke. it's easy to not give a fuck about money when you dont need to worry about paying your bills) anyway here's some pix?

mie suunnittelin ottavani 'zinefest style' asukuvia kaikista tyylikkäistä immeisistä, street style blogien tyyliin mutta hups mie unohdin noin viisi minuuttia idean ja ekan kuvan jälkeen. kunnes oli melkein aika pakata ja mennä kotiin ja otin äkkiä kuvia kavereista. hupsan. mutta tässä on ottamani kuvat :D

i was totally going to take 'zinefest style' photos of all the people who looked extra fierce, like street style blogs but i completely forgot after i took the first one until half an hour before closing time oops. but here's some of the zinefest style photos i did take :D

i'm so sorry forgot your name! (if this is you let me know and i'll link to your whatever :D ) and sophie aka snapdraws

kirsty of hard femme ♥ ♥ ♥           kate rosanne of a bunch of things! ♥ ♥ ♥                         ermm... and me!