Thursday, 28 May 2015


kuten äitiliini tuossa yks päivä muistutti, kesäkuu ja kesä tulee kohta. näin 'aikuisena' kesä on vähemmän kesä ja enemmän vaan just another aika vuodesta jolloin on vaan lämpimämpää ja hiki tulee helpommin. eihän meillä kummallakaan mitään lomaa kuitenkaan tule olemaan, töissä tulee käytyä kuten aina. (tosin ehkä tänä kesänä päästään merenrantaan asti?) ei mutta no joo, tuttavani (??? lasketaanko ystäväksi kun on kerran tavattu zinefesteillä ja siitä lähtien seurattu instagramissa yms toisiamme mutta ei ikinä jutella) lisa kirjoitteli blogissaan että hän on yrittämässä Blog Every Day in June haastetta. eiköhän noita haasteita ole joka kuukaudelle mutta kesäkuu kuullosti ihan ok idealta ja hän oli itse tehnyt oman listan mistä hän aikoo bloggailla. näissä haasteissa on aina yleensä ainakin pari sellaista aihetta etten mie semmoisista ikinä saisi mitään aikaiseksi tai edes haluaisi. joten päätinpä ottaa haasteen vastaan ja kirjoitin hieman omia mahdollisia aiheita, joita saatan käyttää tai sitten ei, ja joitain saatan käyttää pariin kertaan, eikä niitä tartte tehdä tietyssä järjestyksessä (tämä myös kyrsii haasteissa) en vielä tiedä teenkö kaikki kaksikielisinä ja jos en niin millä kielellä, on vähän semmonen fiilis että teen miltä tuntuu milloinkin.

as my mama reminded me, june and with it summer are coming. not that summer is quite the same while adulting, sometimes it just feels like just another time of year, just a little warmer and sweatier. neither me or carl will be having any sort of summer holiday, and will be working through the summer as per usual. (though maybe hopefully we'll make it to the seaside at some point this year???)yeah but anyway, i was reading lisa's big fat blog, and she wrote on there the other day that she was going to take on the Blog Every Day in June challenge. i think there's probably a blog every day challenge for every month but i liked this one cos she'd written a list of her own subjects and they weren't affixed to certain dates. i don't like the fixed day format and so many of these challenges have day subjects i would never write about. so i decided i'm going to take on the challenge and i wrote my very own list of possible subjects i might or might not use and some i might use multiple times and they are in no particular order. i have no idea yet if i'm going to keep it bilingual and if not, what language will i use? i have a feeling that i'll do whatever i feel like each day.

jos tuntuu ottaa osaa / tehdä jotain vastaavaa omilla säännöillä, hashtag on #blogeverydayjune. mie meen nyt siivoomaan ja pakkaamaan mun kassit valmiiksi lauantain Northwest Zine Festiä varten. huomenna on yllättävän pitkä päivä töissä ja la-aamuna on saatanallisen aikainen herätys. paras jos on kassit valmiina ekstra ajoissa ja pääsen nukkumaan ajoissa. viime sunnuntain zinefest pakkaamiset meni vähän hups ja pääsin nukkumaan vasta kahden jälkeen ja sain vain 5h unta. ja kyllä väsytti, varsinkin kun sunnuntain DIY cultures oli niin helvetin kiireinen omg. sosiaaliseeramis burnout to the maxx. enivei, mie kirjoitan zinefesteistä sitten joskus myöhemmin double featurena kun en taas vaihteeksi kävellyt ympäriinsä ja ottanut kuvia... ugh ja taas unohdin että tänään on pojan pikkuveljen synttärit ja me mennään niille myöhemmin syömään pitsaa ja kakkuu joten tämä ilta on poissa käytöstä. vielä pitäis ainakin kylpeä ja tiskata (pakkaamisen lisäksi) joten moicca..

if you feel like taking on the challenge / making up your own rules, the hashtag is #blogeverydayjune. im gonna go and do some housework (maybe) and start packing my bags ready for my trip to manchester for Northwest Zine Fest on saturday. tomorrow's gonna be a surprisingly long day at work and i have a hellishly earlymorning on saturday (catch a train at 5.54am yay!) best if i have my bags all packed and ready to go more or less before friday night. last week my zinefest packing when a bit poop and i ended up staying up til 2am and getting 4h of uneasy sleep. i was pretty tired all day and it didn't help that DIY cultures on sunday was HEAVING. socialising burn out to the max. anyway, imma gonna write about zinefests later as a double feature as i yet again managed to take no photos and not really have a proper proper look around.. and i keep forgetting today is carl's brother's birthday and we're going up to ma-in-law's later to celebrate it with pizza and cake. so this evening's not free. i still need to at least bathe and do the dishes (besides the packing) so buh-bye.

Tuesday, 26 May 2015


moikka, viime kerrasta taitaa olla taas hieman aikaa. ja syyhän tietty on zinenkirjoitus / teko. ei muuten mutta mulla oli hei deadline.. ja se valmistui ajoissa juuri menneelle viikonlopulle ja zinefesteille jee jee jee. nyt voi taas hyvällä omallatunnolla kirjoittaa ja ajatella jotain muutakin. kuten esimerkiksi bloggailua ha ha ha. 

hey it's been a while again. and that's cos i've been busy finishing my zine off. and yay i finished it in time for my self appointed deadline = last weekend, for zine fests and stuff yay. so now i can write and think about other things again in good conscience. like blogging and junk ha ha.

YOUR PRETTY FACE IS GOING STRAIGHT TO HELL #21 on muutosta ja kodista ja puutarhasta,
se on A6 kokoinen ja 40 sivua pitkä ja sen voi ostaa täältä.

YOUR PRETTY FACE IS GOING STRAIGHT TO HELL #21 is about moving. and i guess home and my garden and a quick update what's happened since last time i did a zine (last spring) it's a bit on the text heavier side than usual i guess maybe i don't know? it's the usual quarter (A6) size, 40 pages with minty green covers that match our walls and you can buy one via Vampire Sushi Distro, or i do (fair/equal) trades (just email me/comment/tweet me, whatever) OR you can get one from me in person at Northwest Zine Fest this saturday (May 30th) at the Star & Garter in Manchester.

i'll be sending off the pre-orders next week (along with any new orders) because i wanna come up with something nice extra to send along with the pre-order ones as a special extra thank you ♥ i'll also be adding a bunch of new stuff on the distro website next week, cos i got some lovely new stock for the zine fests (there was also diy cultures in london on sunday just gone) and i expect i'll pick up some new stuff in person while in manchester)

ja tähän loppukevennykseksi tämmönen 'pieni' instagram oksennus kun en sellaistakaan ole tehnyt pitkään aikaan...

and here's a 'little' instagram photodump to finish off cos it's been Months since i last did one and well, why not.
(i've got some plans for june, so i'm getting this shit out of the way.)

Wednesday, 6 May 2015

new zine pre-orders and general buy my stuff pls / mainos tauko.

[suomeksi lopussa tällä kertaa..]

so i've decided to do pre-orders for my new zine cos i'm broke and stuff... your pretty face is going straight to hell #21 is going to be about moving to our new home and sense of home and whatever. (i'm still working on it, ok?) it will be done by the end of may (in time for some zinefests = DIY Cultures in london and Northwest Zine Fest in manchester) you can help me out by paypalling me £3 to (preferably as a personal payment with your address in the notes.) EXCEPT if you're outside uk, it's £4.50 for europe or £5.30 for everywhere else. that's basicly the usual £2 + postage. (i can't help overseas postage is ridic expensive and my zines are so damn thick they are always large letter = over 5mm. though i guess i could help the thickness by making them shorter... except i don't wanna. at least not this time. i totally understand if non-uk folks wanna wait til it's on the distro website and get something else at the same time for combined p&p)

speaking of the distro i added a bunch of new stock the other day week.. a bunch of zines like: brown girl, elderflower #1, fanzine ynfytyn #22, here. in my head #14, my head #15, i don’t bruise easily #1, i don’t bruise easily #2, i’m drawing a blank #2, mythologising me #9, rumlad #6/gadgie #31, rumlad #7, scratch that itch #4 and tempest in a teacup #7. and i made some 5" x 7" prints of some of my drawings, including new ones. they are £1 each, + postage.

i actually have two other brand new drawings (like i drew them this week) that i need to make prints of but i haven't had the chance to tidy up the scans yet (scanner why you so filthy? and why does any little speck of dirty show up real bad on prints even when not visible when viewing on photoshop??? ugh. actually some of the prints have some marks due to that reason. which is why they are £1 instead of £1.50 like i originally intended. no one will probably care / mind / notice but i know they're there and it's bugging me.) i also have some badges i've had in stock for ages, but haven't put up on the website for some reason. i just bring them along to zinefests. AND i have some crafty pursuits i wanna make to try to sell to you. gosh i'm gonna be busy if i wanna have all this stuff for the zine fests and finish that damn zine. it's pretty close to done. i have 30 whole pages all cut and pasted and ready to go. but unfortunately currently suffering ewwwy writer's block.

here's an honest moment: i would very much appreciate any orders. i'm kinda broke as heck, and it's making me very very anxious. i've been doing pretty well mental health wise but but but money worries have a tendency of not being good for me. i have a small pile of dresses i need to put up on facebook or depop or something, stuff that i don't wear anymore / for some reason. i'm even considering selling my blythe doll, but i have no idea what to ask for it though as it's a weird one, she doesn't have a scalp.. (also i kind of feel like i should ask my friend who gave the doll to me if it's ok, since it was a present.....) even some of my monster high dolls. anyway, i'm rambling. the point is i feel well awkward 'advertising' myself like this. but i would very much appreciate your help.

päätin tässä ottaa vastaan mun uuden zinen = your pretty face is going straight to hell #21 ennakkotilauksia. se on valmis toukokuun lopussa ja se 'kertoo' meidän muutosta ja kotihommeleista. se on suomeen £4.50 (noin 6,10 euroa) maksaa voi paypalilla osoitteeseen (mielellään personal paymenttinä ja osoite notes osioon) tai minun suomitilille (kysele asiasta sähköpostitse. postikulut ulkomaille ovat ankean kalliit, ymmärrän kyllä jos odotatte kunnon julkaisuun ja sitten voi ostaa distrosta jotain muuta samalla ja säästää postikuluissa. distrosta puheen ollen mie lisäsi tuossa yx viikko paljon lisää uusia zinejä jotka hankin jo maaliskuun sheffieldin reissulla mutta enpä saanut aikaiseksi. niin ja tein myös 18cm x 12½cm (5 x 7 tuumaa) kokoisia printtejä mun piirrustuksista, pari niistä on ihan uusia..

ja tämä on mainoksen loppu..

Saturday, 2 May 2015


tänään on FREE COMIC BOOK DAY! ja nyt on jo varmaan vähän myöhä mennä paikalliseen sarjiskauppaan hakemaan fyysisiä ilmaisia sarjiksia mutta mutta mutta Comixologyn (digitaalinen sarjiskauppa) sivuilla on paljon hyviä ja jänniä sarjiksia ilmaiseksi tänään. mie luin aiemmin luin twitteristä että siellä on mm. Bitch Planet, The Wicked + The Divine ja Saga sarjojen ekat numerot tänään ilmaiseksi ja mie menin lataa. sieltä löytyi paljon kivaa. tili tietty pitää tehdä että saa mutta eivät ne kysyneet muuta kuin sähköposti osoitteen ja synttärit ja käyttäjänimi ja salasana piti keksiä. korttitietoja yms kysytään varmaan sitten kun ostetaan digisarjiksia jotka maksaa rahaa. 'ostetut' sarjakuvat menevät 'My Books' osioon ikuisesti (olettaisin) ja niitä saa sieltä sitten lueskella koneen tai puhelimessa comixology appin kautta (mulla ei oo puhelimen sisäisellä muistilla tarpeeksi tilaa niin en oo vielä kokeillut sitä) ja suurimman osan kirjoista voi myös tallentaa pdf tai cbz muodossa koneelle tjsp.

it's FREE COMIC BOOK DAY! it's probably a bit late now to pop into your local comic book shop and get yourself some physical free comics but but but Comixology (digital comic book shop) has lots of awesome free comics to download today! i read on twitter earlier that they have issue ones of Bitch Planet, The Wicked + The Divine and Saga on there for free today so i went there and went a bit wrong; i've got 49 comics in 'my books'. all you have to do is make an account (all they want is your email address & birthday and you have to come up with a username & password. i guess they ask for your card details etc when you actually buy a comic that costs £££?) your 'purchased' books go into 'My Books' forever (i assume?) and you can read them via the website or via app on your phone/tablet/whatever (i havent got enough space on my phone's internal memory for another app so i haven't tried it yet) and most of the books you can also download in pdf or cbz form to keep on your computer or w/e.

tässä hieman minun suosituksiani / mitä mie 'ostin'... /// here's some of my recommendations / what i got....

Bitch Planet #1 Rat Queens #1 The Wicked + The Divine #1 Wytches: Free Preview They're Not Like Us #1 Saga #1 Southern Bastards #1 Velvet #1 Red Sonja: She-Devil With a Sword #0 Avengers: Heroes Welcome #1 Batman Black & White: A Black and White World Daredevil (1998-2011) #1 Trees #1 Ms. Marvel Infinite #1 Eartha Kitt: Femme Fatale #0 The Fade Out #1 Rocket Raccoon (FCBD) Guardians Of The Galaxy (FCBD) Halloween Comic Fest 2014 - Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight Special Edition (2014-) #1 Halloween Comic Fest 2014 - Scooby-Doo Team Up #1: Featuring Batman Kill Shakespeare #1 Raising a Reader! How Comics & Graphic Novels Can Help Your Kids Love to Read! 2015

(btw joitakin ilmasia hyviä ei näkyny tuolla ^ ilmaisten listalla, niitä piti ihan oikeasti hakea, joka oli vähän harmillista, mutta nimeä hakemalla löytyi. suurin osa tuon free comics osion sarjikset taitaa olla aina ilmaisia. olisi ollut mukava jos jossain ois ollu erityinen FCBD sivu/osio mutta joo. senhän takia mie nuo mun lempparit linkitin! niin ja on sama sivu euroissa)

(btw i couldn't actually find some of the free goodies on the 'free comics' page, which was kinda annoying but when i searched for the title (like Bitch Planet or Rat Queens, they were easially found. i think most of the ones on the free comics page are free all the time actually. it would have been nice if there were like a page for all the FCBD offers for easy access but yeah. worth the trouble, but that's why i've linked some of my faves/the ones im most intrigued by. oh yeah and btw is the same page in us dollars and .eu is in euros. you can use the same login.)