moikka, viime kerrasta taitaa olla taas hieman aikaa. ja syyhän tietty on zinenkirjoitus / teko. ei muuten mutta mulla oli hei deadline.. ja se valmistui ajoissa juuri menneelle viikonlopulle ja zinefesteille jee jee jee. nyt voi taas hyvällä omallatunnolla kirjoittaa ja ajatella jotain muutakin. kuten esimerkiksi bloggailua ha ha ha.
hey it's been a while again. and that's cos i've been busy finishing my zine off. and yay i finished it in time for my self appointed deadline = last weekend, for zine fests and stuff yay. so now i can write and think about other things again in good conscience. like blogging and junk ha ha.
YOUR PRETTY FACE IS GOING STRAIGHT TO HELL #21 on muutosta ja kodista ja puutarhasta,
se on A6 kokoinen ja 40 sivua pitkä ja sen voi ostaa täältä.
YOUR PRETTY FACE IS GOING STRAIGHT TO HELL #21 is about moving. and i guess home and my garden and a quick update what's happened since last time i did a zine (last spring) it's a bit on the text heavier side than usual i guess maybe i don't know? it's the usual quarter (A6) size, 40 pages with minty green covers that match our walls and you can buy one via Vampire Sushi Distro, or i do (fair/equal) trades (just email me/comment/tweet me, whatever) OR you can get one from me in person at Northwest Zine Fest this saturday (May 30th) at the Star & Garter in Manchester.
i'll be sending off the pre-orders next week (along with any new orders) because i wanna come up with something nice extra to send along with the pre-order ones as a special extra thank you ♥ i'll also be adding a bunch of new stuff on the distro website next week, cos i got some lovely new stock for the zine fests (there was also diy cultures in london on sunday just gone) and i expect i'll pick up some new stuff in person while in manchester)
i'll be sending off the pre-orders next week (along with any new orders) because i wanna come up with something nice extra to send along with the pre-order ones as a special extra thank you ♥ i'll also be adding a bunch of new stuff on the distro website next week, cos i got some lovely new stock for the zine fests (there was also diy cultures in london on sunday just gone) and i expect i'll pick up some new stuff in person while in manchester)
ja tähän loppukevennykseksi tämmönen 'pieni' instagram oksennus kun en sellaistakaan ole tehnyt pitkään aikaan...
and here's a 'little' instagram photodump to finish off cos it's been Months since i last did one and well, why not.
(i've got some plans for june, so i'm getting this shit out of the way.)
(i've got some plans for june, so i'm getting this shit out of the way.)
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